søndag 3. desember 2017

3C0L Annobon Island

Where is Annobon Island ??
Two Latvian radio hams was activ from this radio country in October.
The Island belong to Equiateriotal Guinea, but it count as it own
country in the ham radio world,not so much activity from this part
of the world,I think many needed this one on morse code...cw...
From 13 to 25 October they made 32448 qsos, mostly on cw
A great effort of YL2GM-Yuris and YL3AIW-Kaspars.
Great cw from this 2 guys, my hat of for this operation.
I made qsos on 12-15-17-30 cw and 17 ssb.
All my gsos on my vertical GP7DX and 200 watt.
No low band qsos but happy with the q's I get.
One New band point 30 mtr  DXCC #311

Qsl card for 3C0L ,Found it on their homepage.

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