søndag 28. februar 2021


CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB - 2021

Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA

Class: Single Op Assisted HP
Operating Time (hrs): 05:15

Total:  QSOs = 131  State/Prov = 0  Countries = 30  Total Score = 19,200

Club: LA Contest Club


160 SSB is madnes from my qth.
Running 180 watt, FTdx5000 into W8AMZ sloper
High noise Level here  from Power lines
and one of my new neighbor is buying all the
cheap led lamps he can get from Lithuania...
He is from *LY* he make s9+ qrm for me...
I Call his house *Chernobyl Power plant*...
My goal was 30 Dxcc countries...made it...
131 qso's is also personal best in 160 ssb..
Must have been the worst propagation for years.
Only heard VY2ZM from North America and he was weak..
But ok ,cu NeXT year...me and my neighbor will be QRV..


UBA DX Contest, CW - 2021

Call: LC7N
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LC7N

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 07:15

Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   58    32
   40:  133    34
   20:  109    13
Total:  300    79  Total Score = 66,044

Club: LA Contest Club


Just doing S&P for some hours.
Air_ing my contest Call for some hours.
Some Op's struggled with this Call.
Conds was so so at my qth.
More and less closed to Asia/japan and NA/SA.
Well maybe little activity outside EU.
C some of you in the NeXT one...

fredag 19. februar 2021


 CQ WPX RTTY Contest - 2021

Call: LC7N
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LC7N

Class: SOAB LP
Class Overlay: TB-Wires 
Operating Time (hrs): 30

 Band  QSOs
   80:  245
   40:  361
   20:  303
   15:   57
   10:    0
Total:  966  Prefixes = 483  Total Score = 1569750

Club: LA Contest Club


This year I had time for a full effort.
For first time LC7N was on the air.
In a major ww contest ,it was fun.
That will say 30 hours in the chair.
Goal was set for 900 qso's and minimum 
600 qso's on 40/80 mtr....goal reached...
In other word 30 qso/hour for 30 hours.
After 24 hours i was near to give up I
had reached 811 qso's and 1040000 in points.
A good score for the 24 hour classic category.
But OK i go for full time ,made 155 q's in last 
6 hour...mostly S/P  some few smal runs. Find it very 
hard to find a frequency for a longer run..
A lot of stations qrv,plenty of calls to work.
New record for submitted logs this year (3800 logs)
Mostly EU worked, about 60 North Americans in log.
Only 1 station from Japan and a handfull Africans.
80 Mtr antenna full size GP 4 elevated radials.
Find it hard to work anything at all. Last one 
in the que when i called a station.....lots of 
central EU's stations worked each other.
Dx worked WK1Q--ED8W--RG9A
40 Mtr antenna Optibeam Dipole facing 320/140
Stuck in tower 20 Mtr up, work great,easy to 
Work stations, usually first call inside EU.
Dx worked A42K--T6A--HZ7C-WP3C--3V8SS--OD5ZF
+ only 6 North Americans .
20+15 Mtr 360 Qso's 320 on Vertical GP7DX 
60 Q's to NA on this vertical, worked some Dx
Rest of Q's on Optibeam 11-5 (40 Q's) Locked to 
80 Degress East...this summer I will change the 
rotor in the tower ,no rotor for 5 years...
Sunspot is coming 10 + 15 mtr will open again
will be a lot more easy to make a decent qso's ##
966 qso's on low power and with my antennas system
for this year, was a very good result....
Not much DX worked but it is a prefix contest... 

So CU in the next one...

A view of what I worked during

the contest, not much outside EU worked.

Lets hope for better conditions next year..

I think conds was simular to 2020

mandag 15. februar 2021

MEXICO RTTY Contest 2021

  Mexico RTTY International Contest - 2021

Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 03:15

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   28    16
   40:   68    24
   20:    4     3
Total:  100    43  Total Score = 12,900

Club: LA Contest Club


Just for testing my set up, before wpx rtty test.
After my old pc crashed i have had some problem
with the micro ham router/ports/soundcard/radio/log.
I'm not a *software* guy ..more a hardware guy...
Since I'm a radio ham, I'm to proud to ask for help.
A red line in my life is to do everything by my self.

Everything worked ok...happy...
So se you in CQ-WPX-RTTY Contest..

søndag 7. februar 2021


Once again I win the NRRL HF Cup.
Have win it before in 2012-2013-2015 and 2020.
Collect qsos/points during a year ,most points win.

 Ja da vant jeg igjen dette året.

Til sikkert noens store forargelse.

Ble vell noe overrasket da NRRL's contest manager 

i 2015 beskylte meg for å jukse etter CQ WW RTTY contesten.

Han mente bestemt jeg kjørte High power og claimed Low power.

Det vil si 50% mere poeng i cupen.

Gjorde meg fly forbanna, har ikke hatt PA-trinn siden Oktober 2010.

Har ett AL-1500 trinn med ødelagt rør, skiftet noen condensatorer 

i trinnet, men røret har gått,hvis noen har ett 3cx1500a7/8877 liggende.....

så er det bare å sende det til meg ....hehe...

Var en tulling som trodde jeg kjørte high power, han hadde prøvd og

kjøre high power i noen tester og funnet ut att jeg hadde ett veldig bra

signal i forhold til han, må ha vært mindre begavet....når du tror du

skal ha samme signal på en Butternut og noe som går rundt med en

6-8 dB gain i antenna er du jaggu tjukk i hue.

Tyder på att du kommer fra ett sted der du er vant til 

juksing , hadde jaggu vært spart for mye drit

med stengte grenser........

Og så hadde jeg 'key-clicks' på 160 mtr.

Må bare spørre hvor langt har du trøkt den *NB* bryteren inn.

Noise Blanker lager Key klikk på de fleste radioer.

Du har vel ikke hørt om FT-1000Mp og de problema den har hatt

ved sending....100 watt klikker også...

Tror det toppa seg under cq ww rtty 2015,da jeg ble

signal sjekka på 40 mtr fra en stasjon øst og vest for meg.

Men som jeg skriver en vertical og en FD4 er ikke en rotary dipole.

Men gudskjelov 'for noen' så knakk rotor drevet i rotoren min i Des 2015.

Så lite contet kjøring for meg de på følgende år.

Har ikke skiftet rotor enda, men blir vell til sommeren.

2020 ble det mye contest kjøring igjen, på vertical antenner .

Beam står nå ca 80 grader øst,så det hjelper jo på i den retningen.

Kina viruset ga mye hjemme tid og XYL ble corona fast i Asia

for  6 måneder, jaggu godt å være alene å....hehe..

Hadde ikke trodd att contest kjøring skulle føre til så mye misundelse

men det er vell noen TRYGDE/NAVERE som driver med radio å....

Så dra TRYGDEBUKSA langt oppi RÆVA og prøv og 

forbedre din stasjon og ferdighet, så muligens det blir noen

flere qso's på deg å......

Lykke til med contest kjøring i 2021.


Late x-mas present recived in January.

The last years i have been running 50w on 6 Mtr into my 

rotary dipole for 40 mtr, some dx worked but you will

not be the first station in the log when a hot call-sign

pop up on your screen  .

For years I have called 6 mtr band ,


Why well the openings have been very short and spoty.

So you need to sit in the shack and monitor the whole time.

Since I'm not retired ore retarded (many op's in 'LA' are)

FT8 have changed the style for operating on 6 Mtr..

longer band openings and MORE openings.

So I find time to enjoy more...

So in the summer I will put up a new tower for this 6 Mtr antenna.

 I buy this antenna from a Serbian Company.


7 element Boom length 8,7 Mtr

Every thing well packed.
Good marking of the elements.
Easy to build.
I think plug and play.
Se you on 6mtr this summer ....OK...



CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW - 2021

Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA

Class: Single Op Assisted HP
Operating Time (hrs): 03:30

Total:  QSOs = 150  State/Prov = 10  Countries = 34  Total Score = 35,772

Club: LA Contest Club


Only qrv sunday morning.
Running 180w from my FTDx5000.
DX worked EA8-K-KP2-VE.
States worked CT-DE-LA-MA-MD-NC-NJ-PA-PE-VA.
Great activity ,3326 logs recived so far.
Band is crowded a new station every 200Hz for 80 KHz.
Should have been more single band contest.....
To much work the week before the contest, make me lazy. 

Oooohh will try again next year....