mandag 4. januar 2021


RM0F a big thank you.
You helped me to get cq zone 19 on 80 mtr.
Have tryed for years to work zone 19,but no Luck...
This morning was a great opening to the east..
look on the map ,i worked some Japan stations also.
Qso on 29 Dec.  confirmed Lotw 30 Dec.
So Yuri  RM0F..thanks again.

Miller DX Club 2020

Miller  Dx Club celebrate x-mas 2020 and New year 2021.
Work som Special Event stations and collect point's.
I get gold award this year.


Happy and healty new year to the most of you.
2020 was a year popped up with this terrible
"China virus" A virus that realy have set  marks
on the whole world, the worst of it we havent seen yet.
I think it is more to come...
The world have stopped up..
Thanks good I still have my work....
The radio year have been a lot of contesting from my side.
Ended up With 15960 qso's
About 9120 cw q's-1510 ssb q's and 5330 digi q's
198 Dxcc's in log, not bad on low power
and mostly verticals antennas....
FT8 mode have killed the amateur radio..
It's a low Power mode and the idiots is killing it
With amplifiers.....well the worst one also
put it in a robot mode...on a loop cq cq...
We have some  FT8 robot's in Norway...
Where is the fun....
Where is the skilled Op.....
Ok I'm an grumpy old man..
Let's fold Our hands and beg for a better
year the year to come...