My setup.
Radio : Icom IC-706 MK2G (set to 50 w )
Antenna : Vertical GP7DX cover 6 to 40 Mtr
Antennas : Optibeam 11-5 and Optibeam 1 40-30
Antenna : RA6LBS 80-160 Mtr
Computer : Lenovo 100s at 1.60GHz
Software : WSJT-X 2.1.0 and Windows 10
Radio : Icom IC-706 MK2G (set to 50 w )
Antenna : Vertical GP7DX cover 6 to 40 Mtr
Antennas : Optibeam 11-5 and Optibeam 1 40-30
Antenna : RA6LBS 80-160 Mtr
Computer : Lenovo 100s at 1.60GHz
Software : WSJT-X 2.1.0 and Windows 10
FT4 Regular Qso.
This is a normal qso in FT4 mode. It has Tx Sequence of 7,5 second.
A normal qso takes 45 second. Click on the photo, I have qso with
K1JT the Author of the program. I like FT4 ,it's a quick mode.
You realy have a good chance to make the qso.
I find it more fun than FT8
This is a normal qso in FT4 mode. It has Tx Sequence of 7,5 second.
A normal qso takes 45 second. Click on the photo, I have qso with
K1JT the Author of the program. I like FT4 ,it's a quick mode.
You realy have a good chance to make the qso.
I find it more fun than FT8
FT8 Fox and Hound Qso.
What is this......
This is the DX-pedition Mode.
This is the future of handling out qso's for a dx-pedition.
I realy enjoyed watching the way this mode made qso's.
Some hounds should read the manual to get a better
understanding of how this works...some hounds can not read...
Ore in other word ,they dont understand the way it works...
Click on photo I get RR73 and US6ISV get his report -02dB
in the same line......fantastic way to do it...
I think RTTY is dead.....for dx-pedition's
What is this......
This is the DX-pedition Mode.
This is the future of handling out qso's for a dx-pedition.
I realy enjoyed watching the way this mode made qso's.
Some hounds should read the manual to get a better
understanding of how this works...some hounds can not read...
Ore in other word ,they dont understand the way it works...
Click on photo I get RR73 and US6ISV get his report -02dB
in the same line......fantastic way to do it...
I think RTTY is dead.....for dx-pedition's
FT8 Result after 9 days qrv.
So how did it work's out for me...
This is from clublog.
Most Activ radio ham the last 14 days.
I worked 114 DXCC's entity in this period...
I can not tell you who is number one...
Please click on photo...
So how did it work's out for me...
This is from clublog.
Most Activ radio ham the last 14 days.
I worked 114 DXCC's entity in this period...
I can not tell you who is number one...
Please click on photo...
My FT8 Logging program.
Where did WSJT-X dump my qso's.
I use Winlog32, it's a freelog program.
I find it usable and good, a simple and a easy program.
Where did WSJT-X dump my qso's.
I use Winlog32, it's a freelog program.
I find it usable and good, a simple and a easy program.

My thougths.
I have not been a big fan of this digimodes.
I have called this for cheating qsos, but I have to admit
it's a fun way to have qso's, You can work the world
with 50 w and Limited antennas , most qso's I have
had have been audible, The program do the most of
the qso, you only have to double click on the Call
and if the other station hear you ,the qso start...
You can look at the process in the right window..
Then you get the you want to log this qso ???
Of course you log it.....1 qso 3 mouse click....ticktick...tick
In 9 days I made 700 qso's 114 DXXC's countrys....
This is clearly the mode for the Limited Radio Ham..
But it is fun, the dx Family have been much bigger.
It's a lot of New stations to work outside there .
Some say it's a pc game.....OK...if you think so..
But dont complain about other People have fun...
You have a computer..all the program is free..
I was grumpy about this mode...but I have changed
Thumbs up for WSJT-X FT4 FT8
100% user of this New digimode.
See you on th band RR73
See you on th band RR73