søndag 22. desember 2019
fredag 13. desember 2019
Let's hope this forecast it's correct.
That will say in a 3-4 years we can work
ton's of DX on 10 mtr again....
I cross my fingers that it will be on the same
level that cycle 24 was, that one was fun.
mandag 9. desember 2019
FT Roundup - 2019
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA
Class: SO Unlimited LP
Operating Time (hrs): >19hrs
Band QSOs
80: 129
40: 230
20: 96
15: 0
10: 0
Total: 455 State/Prov = 20 Countries = 39 Total Score = 26,845
Club: LA Contest Club
My 2nd FT4/8 contest is over,this was more fun than the first one.
Had hoped for more activity,it was much activty on the common FT8
frequencys,lets hope the word will be spread till NeXT year about
this contest,so more station will take part....some say let this be
only a contest with Ft4 mode....I say NO NO..lets have both mode.
Sometimes the little gun can not make the qso in FT4 mode...he need
the FT8 mode for create the qso....proven many times for me this
weekend. Conds was ok on 40 80 mtr, from my qth 20 mtr was not in
good form, closed very early both days. Not a single JA worked on 20.
Had some problem with station that not was in contest was calling me.
The radio and computer get a hick-up and some times the only solution
was to change mode/band for a while, If you look in the rx-window you
should easly understand that the ex-change report are different from
what you send....but stupidity and laziness it's a gift for some people.....and
a nightmare for others....Good night.....
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA
Class: SO Unlimited LP
Operating Time (hrs): >19hrs
Band QSOs
80: 129
40: 230
20: 96
15: 0
10: 0
Total: 455 State/Prov = 20 Countries = 39 Total Score = 26,845
Club: LA Contest Club
My 2nd FT4/8 contest is over,this was more fun than the first one.
Had hoped for more activity,it was much activty on the common FT8
frequencys,lets hope the word will be spread till NeXT year about
this contest,so more station will take part....some say let this be
only a contest with Ft4 mode....I say NO NO..lets have both mode.
Sometimes the little gun can not make the qso in FT4 mode...he need
the FT8 mode for create the qso....proven many times for me this
weekend. Conds was ok on 40 80 mtr, from my qth 20 mtr was not in
good form, closed very early both days. Not a single JA worked on 20.
Had some problem with station that not was in contest was calling me.
The radio and computer get a hick-up and some times the only solution
was to change mode/band for a while, If you look in the rx-window you
should easly understand that the ex-change report are different from
what you send....but stupidity and laziness it's a gift for some people.....and
a nightmare for others....Good night.....
I like this maps with the qso's on.
thank you to DL4MFM
Look on the map, no stations from
Africa-South America ore Oceania.
Lets hope they can take part NeXT year.
mandag 25. november 2019
CQ WW CW 2019
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2019
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA
Class: SO(A)AB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 18 h
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 110 6 41
80: 115 10 37
40: 175 16 59
20: 150 23 63
15: 50 17 29
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA
Class: SO(A)AB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 18 h
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 110 6 41
80: 115 10 37
40: 175 16 59
20: 150 23 63
15: 50 17 29
Total: 600 72 229 Total Score = 274,211
Club: LA Contest Club
Only S/P for me this year also.
I'm lazy, no antenna work this summer.
Tower With yagies are locked to 30 degree North.
Not to much to work in that direction ...from this qth.
To much work,like Money,like vacation.
Hope for NeXT year that my antennas are up and going again.
A lot of great cw-ops out there,the op at TI7W is amazing.
I worked 98 dxcc during the contest, only turning the vfo .
Total: 600 72 229 Total Score = 274,211
Club: LA Contest Club
Only S/P for me this year also.
I'm lazy, no antenna work this summer.
Tower With yagies are locked to 30 degree North.
Not to much to work in that direction ...from this qth.
To much work,like Money,like vacation.
Hope for NeXT year that my antennas are up and going again.
A lot of great cw-ops out there,the op at TI7W is amazing.
I worked 98 dxcc during the contest, only turning the vfo .
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2019
mandag 23. september 2019
SAC CW 2019
Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW - 2019
Call: LN7TTT
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA7TTT
Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7h00m
Band QSOs Mults
80: 59 17
40: 254 32
20: 253 40
15: 15 8
10: 0 0
Total: 581 97 Total Score = 117,176
Club: LA Contest Club
Thanks to all om's and yl's for the qsos.
Decent conditions,only qrv 1 hour saturday and 6 hour sunday.
My yagies are locked to 30 degree North,have not fixed my rotor..LAZY.
Worked most qso on my vertical GP7DX,best qso VP8NO on 20 mtr.
I have To much work,last time i Call cq in contest was Sac cw 2018.
Fun to be called by DQ600UNI and TA3/HB90FIH ,my brain was boiling...
Hope to see some of you in CQ WW RTTY. the neXt one for me....73..
Call: LN7TTT
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA7TTT
Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7h00m
Band QSOs Mults
80: 59 17
40: 254 32
20: 253 40
15: 15 8
10: 0 0
Total: 581 97 Total Score = 117,176
Club: LA Contest Club
Thanks to all om's and yl's for the qsos.
Decent conditions,only qrv 1 hour saturday and 6 hour sunday.
My yagies are locked to 30 degree North,have not fixed my rotor..LAZY.
Worked most qso on my vertical GP7DX,best qso VP8NO on 20 mtr.
I have To much work,last time i Call cq in contest was Sac cw 2018.
Fun to be called by DQ600UNI and TA3/HB90FIH ,my brain was boiling...
Hope to see some of you in CQ WW RTTY. the neXt one for me....73..
torsdag 5. september 2019
WW DIGI 2019
World Wide Digi DX Contest - 2019 Call: LA5LJA Operator(s): LA5LJA Station: LA5LJA Class: SOAB LP QTH: JP50 Operating Time (hrs): 15+ Summary: Band QSOs Mults ------------------- 160: 80: 40: 20: 15: 10: ------------------- Total: 298 0 Total Score = 17,985 Club: LA Contest Club My goal was 300 qso's. Made 298 so I say OK. Raw score world is #85 of 572. Claimed score is new Norwegian record...hehe.. From first qso to second qso I use 19 minutes. On a crowded band on FT4 mode my signal was to low. I think something was wrong,but I look's like FT4 mode need some signal to decode,had many calls to stations with +0 dB to +10 dB, but they put CQ contest in my face. Was running 40w to a vertical Antenna, so I think my Signal was drowned between the other callers. Made some FT8 qso's also, with better decoding. Some station don't send the final 73, so I don't logged them. Not much dx to work, the sun killed the propagation. Was it fun...No ...No....No....No.. Slow rates, Aren't much fun...nothing to do...only waiting.. FT modes are lazy dxing/contesting...RTTY are more fun.. RTTY are ham-radio....FT-Modes are just pc game..
Will I take part next year.....YES ....(I'm lazy also)
tirsdag 6. august 2019
FT8-My Experience
My setup.
Radio : Icom IC-706 MK2G (set to 50 w )
Antenna : Vertical GP7DX cover 6 to 40 Mtr
Antennas : Optibeam 11-5 and Optibeam 1 40-30
Antenna : RA6LBS 80-160 Mtr
Computer : Lenovo 100s at 1.60GHz
Software : WSJT-X 2.1.0 and Windows 10
Radio : Icom IC-706 MK2G (set to 50 w )
Antenna : Vertical GP7DX cover 6 to 40 Mtr
Antennas : Optibeam 11-5 and Optibeam 1 40-30
Antenna : RA6LBS 80-160 Mtr
Computer : Lenovo 100s at 1.60GHz
Software : WSJT-X 2.1.0 and Windows 10
FT4 Regular Qso.
This is a normal qso in FT4 mode. It has Tx Sequence of 7,5 second.
A normal qso takes 45 second. Click on the photo, I have qso with
K1JT the Author of the program. I like FT4 ,it's a quick mode.
You realy have a good chance to make the qso.
I find it more fun than FT8
This is a normal qso in FT4 mode. It has Tx Sequence of 7,5 second.
A normal qso takes 45 second. Click on the photo, I have qso with
K1JT the Author of the program. I like FT4 ,it's a quick mode.
You realy have a good chance to make the qso.
I find it more fun than FT8
FT8 Fox and Hound Qso.
What is this......
This is the DX-pedition Mode.
This is the future of handling out qso's for a dx-pedition.
I realy enjoyed watching the way this mode made qso's.
Some hounds should read the manual to get a better
understanding of how this works...some hounds can not read...
Ore in other word ,they dont understand the way it works...
Click on photo I get RR73 and US6ISV get his report -02dB
in the same line......fantastic way to do it...
I think RTTY is dead.....for dx-pedition's
What is this......
This is the DX-pedition Mode.
This is the future of handling out qso's for a dx-pedition.
I realy enjoyed watching the way this mode made qso's.
Some hounds should read the manual to get a better
understanding of how this works...some hounds can not read...
Ore in other word ,they dont understand the way it works...
Click on photo I get RR73 and US6ISV get his report -02dB
in the same line......fantastic way to do it...
I think RTTY is dead.....for dx-pedition's
FT8 Result after 9 days qrv.
So how did it work's out for me...
This is from clublog.
Most Activ radio ham the last 14 days.
I worked 114 DXCC's entity in this period...
I can not tell you who is number one...
Please click on photo...
So how did it work's out for me...
This is from clublog.
Most Activ radio ham the last 14 days.
I worked 114 DXCC's entity in this period...
I can not tell you who is number one...
Please click on photo...
My FT8 Logging program.
Where did WSJT-X dump my qso's.
I use Winlog32, it's a freelog program.
I find it usable and good, a simple and a easy program.
Where did WSJT-X dump my qso's.
I use Winlog32, it's a freelog program.
I find it usable and good, a simple and a easy program.

My thougths.
I have not been a big fan of this digimodes.
I have called this for cheating qsos, but I have to admit
it's a fun way to have qso's, You can work the world
with 50 w and Limited antennas , most qso's I have
had have been audible, The program do the most of
the qso, you only have to double click on the Call
and if the other station hear you ,the qso start...
You can look at the process in the right window..
Then you get the question....do you want to log this qso ???
Of course you log it.....1 qso 3 mouse click....ticktick...tick
In 9 days I made 700 qso's 114 DXXC's countrys....
This is clearly the mode for the Limited Radio Ham..
But it is fun, the dx Family have been much bigger.
It's a lot of New stations to work outside there .
Some say it's a pc game.....OK...if you think so..
But dont complain about other People have fun...
You have a computer..all the program is free..
I was grumpy about this mode...but I have changed
Thumbs up for WSJT-X FT4 FT8
100% user of this New digimode.
See you on th band RR73
See you on th band RR73
søndag 7. juli 2019
DL-DX RTTY Contest - 2019
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA7TTT
Class: SOAB-6 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6
Band QSOs Pts Mults
80: 1 1
40: 60 28
20: 43 29
15: 21 12
10: 13 7
Total: 138 1595 77 Total Score = 122,815
Club: LA Contest Club
Low Activity, bands was ok ,but not hot..
Highlight was Mexico on 20 mtr and Cuba on 40 mtr.
Rtty is not dead, but I think the back is broken.
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA7TTT
Class: SOAB-6 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6
Band QSOs Pts Mults
80: 1 1
40: 60 28
20: 43 29
15: 21 12
10: 13 7
Total: 138 1595 77 Total Score = 122,815
Club: LA Contest Club
Low Activity, bands was ok ,but not hot..
Highlight was Mexico on 20 mtr and Cuba on 40 mtr.
Rtty is not dead, but I think the back is broken.
fredag 7. juni 2019
New radio from Elecraft.
Nice look.....adapted to todays level.
From Elecraft's homepage.
A direct-sampling SDR you’ll love to useOur new K4 harnesses the latest in signal processing while retaining the best aspects of the K3S and P3. The resulting user interface makes the technology transparent, allowing you to focus on working the world.
160-6 meter, all-mode coverage & dual RX
The K4 includes dual receive over 100 kHz to 54 MHz. Since it utilizes direct sampling, there’s no need for crystal filters in the K4 or K4D (see Models, back page). For extreme-signal environments, we offer a dual superhet module (standard in the K4HD). An internal VHF/UHF module is also planned.
High-resolution mini-pan for each receiver
Our advanced fine-tuning aid, with its resampled bandwidth as narrow as +/- 1 kHz, is displayed separately from the main panadapter. You can turn it on by tapping either receiver’s S-meter or by tapping on a signal of interest.
Simple operation and setup
The K4 features a large, full-color touch display, combined with a rich set of real controls. Per-VFO transmit metering makes split mode completely foolproof. Band-stacking switches and per-receiver controls are both intuitive and versatile, adapting to operating context. Usage information on these and other features is just one tap away, thanks to our built-in help system.
Rich I/O complement
The rear panel includes all the RF, analog and digital I/O you’ll need to complete your station. All K-line accessories are supported, including amps, ATUs, and our K-Pod station controller. The HDMI video output supports an external display with its own user-specified format.
Full remote control from multiple devices
The K4 can be 100% remote controlled, via Ethernet, from a second K4 as well as a PC, notebook, or tablet. Panadapter data is included on all remote displays.
Modular hybrid architecture
The K4 adapts to your needs, with three models to choose from:
- Basic K4 with wide-range dual receive
- K4D with diversity receive
- K4HD with a dual superhet module for exceptional dynamic range
Fast signal processing
The RF signal chain in the K4 incorporates parallel hardware processing of data streams, including a dedicated DSP subsystem. This, combined with silent, PIN-diode T/R switching, ensures fast CW break-in. Data and speech-processing delays are also minimized.
Standard DSP features include easy-to-adjust, per-mode RX/TX EQ; clean, punchy RF speech processing; full DVR capabilities; and several built-in data decode/encode modes. Direct-sampling technology results in an ultra-flat passband response for clean RX and TX audio. Since the signal chain is software-defined, the DSP can be field upgraded to add new algorithms and operating modes.
torsdag 30. mai 2019

Well done lads, world champions Ice hockey 2019.
Thank to Slovak's hams that have 2 SES on during the events.
I made 5 qso's valid for Bronze award.
CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2019
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA
Class: SO(A)SB10 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5
Band QSOs
10: 109
Total: 109 Prefixes = 94 Total Score = 11,750
Club: LA Contest Club
Limited time this year also. Returned from Asia 30 April.
Plan was to change my rotor in my Tower.Doesn't go as planned,
a load of work was waiting for me....rotor still in Box.
Optibeams still pointing 4 degree North....not much to work
in that direction.....was qrv some hours late saturday evening
to my surprise ten mtr was alive...made 109 q's on 10 with my
vertical GP7DX ..claimed score is New Norwegian record SOA10LP.
Someone will beat this one hihi .Conds was very good this weekend.
Highlight was to work Z66X .Have only 278 cnfm dxcc on 10 mtr,
so happy for a new one on this band ...I think long time till
the NeXT one pop up on that band.......
I take my hat's off for those qrp guy's who work over 1000 q's
With 5w and Limited antennas....(low dipoles,gp's,LW,miracle whips,
and dummy loads) well done guy's...you are my heroes...
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA
Class: SO(A)SB10 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5
Band QSOs
10: 109
Total: 109 Prefixes = 94 Total Score = 11,750
Club: LA Contest Club
Limited time this year also. Returned from Asia 30 April.
Plan was to change my rotor in my Tower.Doesn't go as planned,
a load of work was waiting for me....rotor still in Box.
Optibeams still pointing 4 degree North....not much to work
in that direction.....was qrv some hours late saturday evening
to my surprise ten mtr was alive...made 109 q's on 10 with my
vertical GP7DX ..claimed score is New Norwegian record SOA10LP.
Someone will beat this one hihi .Conds was very good this weekend.
Highlight was to work Z66X .Have only 278 cnfm dxcc on 10 mtr,
so happy for a new one on this band ...I think long time till
the NeXT one pop up on that band.......
I take my hat's off for those qrp guy's who work over 1000 q's
With 5w and Limited antennas....(low dipoles,gp's,LW,miracle whips,
and dummy loads) well done guy's...you are my heroes...
lørdag 13. april 2019
5X3C was active 13 to 25 March.
Activated by Italien dxpedition team.
Well known dx team,tx-ing from all over Africa .
For many years ,this time from Uganda.
As you see they made 57964 qso's With 18989 uniques Call.
Their FT8 robot made 18200 FT8 q's for them..
That will say almost 1 of 3 qsos was shitty mode...
I also think that they made 1 of 3 qsos with Italy...
It's a long Queue of Italiens every time i work this Group..
So very happy every time i get through..
I made 7 qso's
CW : 15-17-20-30-40
SSB : 17 - 20
No digi qso for me this time.
This was the only dx Group from Africa this spring
that i made a qso on 15 mtr band with.
This Italien are very good to change band and looking
for openings on higher frequencys, hope to hear you from
another spot in Africa soon. ( TT??)
5V7EI was activ 12 days in the last part of March.
This was a good dxpedition,they made 50224 q's
and 19152 uniques Calls in the log. 359 q's to Norway
I made 7 qso's.
CW : 17-20-30-40
SSB : 17 - 20
RTTY : 20
EIDX Group have been activ before as 9N7EI and 7Q7EI
Happy to work you on Rtty ,Rtty is the dead man mode...
FT8 has started to be the digi dxpedition mode...so pity..
This Group made 13534 q's on FT8 it's about 27% of all q's
Sad to hear that your planned dxpedition to ZD9 is cancelled..
This guy's was great,easy to get in log for low power stations.
7P8LB was Activ for 8 days in the 1st part of March.
It was a Norwegian team with 8 Op's
They made 16213 qso's and 6576 uniques Calls.
I made 1 qso: 30 mtr CW
They had a ok signal,was 599 for hour's the 1st night
on 40 mtr cw,was a good start I think.....but for me
I really strugled to work this guy's . To many modes on
each band ,they was just feeding the big guns.
And 2 much robot qso's, FT8 was 30% of their total q's
Every late evening only boring FT8.....
Time go fast,been a time since last blogging..
9LY1JM was activ for 10 days in January.
They made a very good dxpedition with a lot of qso's.
They logged 50382 q's With 14016 uniques calls .
509 q's with Norway....wooow..I made 12 q's
SSB : 17 - 20 - 40
RTTY: 17-20-30-40
They must have been on a qth with low noice
since they picked up my low sigs on low band.
look forward to hear this team again from some
semi hot spot...well done guy's.
lørdag 16. februar 2019
IOTA EU-192 Inakari Island.
New iota island activated Inakari Isl. EU-192.
EU-192 was added to the Iota list as a new one in October 2018
OH10X was active from this Finnish Island in February
This was the first activation from this new iota group.
I made qso's on 30 and 80 mtr cw.
They made 8090 q's in total , 43 q's with Norway.
Thank you guys for your efforts in the cold winter days.
torsdag 14. februar 2019
CQ WPX RTTY Contest - 2019
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA
Class: SOAB LP
Class Overlay: TB-Wires
Operating Time (hrs): 15:45
Band QSOs
80: 105
40: 253
20: 200
15: 12
Total: 570 Prefixes = 344 Total Score = 661,168
Club: LA Contest Club
Limited time, did not hear any Japan station at all.
Worked some few dx, only 23 US stations in log.
Best qsos was 9G2HO...TO7D...PJ4Z...V37DX
Have to work sunday, but manage some qsos in the
evening. I think I will have ended up with 1000 q's
if I had run the full 30 hours...same as the last years.
Call: LA5LJA
Operator(s): LA5LJA
Station: LA5LJA
Class: SOAB LP
Class Overlay: TB-Wires
Operating Time (hrs): 15:45
Band QSOs
80: 105
40: 253
20: 200
15: 12
Total: 570 Prefixes = 344 Total Score = 661,168
Club: LA Contest Club
Limited time, did not hear any Japan station at all.
Worked some few dx, only 23 US stations in log.
Best qsos was 9G2HO...TO7D...PJ4Z...V37DX
Have to work sunday, but manage some qsos in the
evening. I think I will have ended up with 1000 q's
if I had run the full 30 hours...same as the last years.
tirsdag 1. januar 2019
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