Had some bad feeling for this dx-pedition.
It is in wrong direction for my antennas since I
haven't changed my broken rotator, 5 bands beam is to east
and my rotable dipole for 30/40 mtr is facing south-north.
Worked them on 40 mtr cw this morning..look at the
Photo, *DXA* a exelent tool and fun to see that you are in the log.
My signal was way down since Ducie is on the tip of my dipole.
But great to be in the log,thank you guys.
After 96000 qso's.....I made it.
Made with my vertical Antenna GP7DX and barefoot radio.
The band was 17 mtr and the mode was cw.
Amazing qso ,since I have no amplifier and the qrb is 15000 km.
New one for my DXCC challenge award.
No more hunting for VP6D for me, pity for me ....no RTTY qso.
I don't work FT8 mode, love real ham radio mode.
FT8 is just......... F_requency T_rash r_8