mandag 18. april 2016


A German team was activ from Sri Lanka 15 days in Mars
They made about 25000 qso's under lousy radio conditions...
Photo from their home page.
Made qso on 20 30 40 RTTY, 30 40 CW and 40 SSB.
Never heard them on 10 and 12 mtr , heard them on 15 17 mtr
but signal to low for qso, hope to hear this German team again
NeXT year from a hotter spot......

mandag 11. april 2016


FT4JA Juan De Nova Isl. photo from their homepage.
This 10 guy's made a tremendous dx-pedition .
European dx'ers are the best in the whole world, this team was
the best I ever heard in my ham radio life, better than the Italian
dx pedition team also. 105570 qso's in 11 days ,thats a great number.
Specialy when you know that they made 10000 rtty qso's in this
time frame also. Have seen it for many years,when it comes to radio
European are at least 25 % better than USA op's when it comes to handle
out qso's. Look att the qso rates on differents dx-pedition and you
clearly see what I mean....My hats of for this guy's.
My main goal for this dx-pedition was to get them on rtty and I
did that also for my Club callsign. Beam's are still pointing to 350 * North
So all my qso's on the GP7DX vertical and low Power. ( no amp here)
No low band qso's for me on this one, to tired after the Asia trip.
Needed some sleep this weekend....

My qso Box....

15 11

lørdag 9. april 2016

THAILAND (phom rak Thailand)

Have been in Thailand during easter time.
This time i buy this house, for me it's ok.
3 sleeping room,2 bathroom.100 square meter.
Hopefully I will spend my older days in this house.
The house is 100 square meter, + garden area about 200 square meter
The little guy in front of the neighbours house

KINGMAN REEF KH5 (deleted)

Kingman reef worked back in 2000 on mtr cw and ssb.

Kingman Reef isent the bigest place on earth.
This is part of the bulletin from arrl's dxcc desk..

The ARRL Awards Committee has voted to delete Kingman Reef (KH5) from the DXCC List, effective March 29, 2016. Kingman Reef will be added to the Deleted Entities List on March 29, 2016. The total number of entities on the List will drop from 340 to 339. The deletion process is described in DXCC Rules Section II DXCC List Criteria, Part 5(a)
So this will say HR#1 is 339 dxcc entity

VK0EK Heard Isl.

Penquin on Heard Island. Photo from homepage VK0EK.
I have been in Thailand for 14 days , comeback to Norway 8 April.
Had to go in the easter time, not a good solution when you are MORE
than hyper activ when it comes to ham radio................
But this trip was planed for long time and my big hope was to
get some qso's with this dx-pedition during their last 3 days.
I come home checked their log search and get a very bad feeling for
this operation, they had been qrv 15 days and only have 63000 qso's.
Woow that wasent much...that's what eu's need alone.....
So I think what was they doing down there...playing Cards....
They had good antennas,a hot location and many op's.......
Realy was this op's so bad....
Was lisen for them all Friday..not a bip on 10 to 20 mtr..
Suddenly they was spotted on 40 mtr cw on 7,016 mc in evening...
Ok have no hope but heard him well, ok I give a Call 2 khz down
2 times 3 times 4 times....o'shit he was coming back to me
LA5LJA 599 I quickly responded 599 TU...
Worked him with 100w and the vertical GP7DX....
This evening was mine.. 1 hour later get him on 80 mtr cw
On 80 mtr I have a broken gp .10 mtr high inverted U.. hihi
Then later on 30 mtr cw and finaly the big ONE on 160m (W8AMZ sloper)
4 qso's in a very short time...3 New bands...low Power..
So I think this guy's have not been happy with the sun.
The sun have not been a good teamplayer for sure.
This guy's have made a very good job,had big ears for cw
Well done guys .hope you reach 80000 qso's
After this evening ,my feeling was like the penquin
on the photo ..the one on right side...
