tirsdag 22. mars 2016


3C7A Equatorial Guinea Op was LA7GIA Ken from Norway.
Photo borrowed from his qrz page
This Dxcc entity must been  high ranked at the most wanted list.
His pile ups was hugh and so was the wide of it ,up to 40 khz the
first days, had some fun hunting for him ,was zero beat many times.
But this one was realy hard to break.
But in the end I get some qso's,was not easy but Ken is a fb op,
He made 13000 qso's in 8,5 days..thats a very good result.
But my god ,so much crying on the dx cluster...like..
please listen me,please 20 mtr,please ssb, please only dit and dat..
I realy dont understand this beggers...please try salvation army...
You are not much of a dx'er when you start to begg...just a poor
poor cb-guy....be a man..make better station and learn to break a pile-up.
It's not hard....it's just to listen more than tx-ing....
I hope the Italien dx-team will be activ from 3C in the future...
Many still need this one...I need a rtty qso...

My qso's : All with 100w and GP7DX vertical
  Band   CW


Dipper DX-team   VK9CK  Cocos Keeling Island.
Photo borrow from their homepage.
This bad boys are activ just now and until 26 March.
Had some fun hunting for them,they had delivered a good signal
into Norway and have had good ears for LA's..
Worked them on 12-17 cw and 20 ssb with the GP7DX vertical and 100w.
30-40 mtr cw qso's was on my Optibeam dipole..
Tryed to get them on 10 mtr cw also,but my tiny signal was not getting thrue.
Realy miss my beam antenna....still locked to 350 degree North...Amen..

søndag 13. mars 2016


7P8C radio dx-pedition to Lesotho bye F6KOP Club members.
They made 50180 qso's during their stay in February. 17297 unique calls.
Very happy to made some rtty qso's, New one on rtty so thank you team.
I think this was a little bit Hill Billies dx pedition....
They did some strange choice....
On 17 mtr ssb they was listen on 18,170 mc thats out of BAND..
On 17 mtr cw one night the op was saying ..I listen up...but he was running
around inside the pile and makeing simplex qso's up and down 10 khz.
On 160 mtr ,their choice was to stay on ssb, With very low qso rate.
They was calling only for French station also and one op was calling
for UK and EI only..that path isent exactly hard to work from Southern Africa..
It had been better if they was calling for VK/Zl only......
But it's their dx-pedition/Choice...Have order the qsl card via OQRS
I made 7 q's and happy for that ,happy for 30 40 rtty qso's
My Qso Box :

40  1
30  1
12 11
10 1


Qsl card from this radio dx-pedition.
Photo borrowed from their homepage.
This Italian dx-team are one of the best we have on the air.
They handling out qso's very fast and their online log-check utility
is the best. I made 12 qso's with them, very hard to get in log for me.
Their signal was never over s7 on my qth, most qso's was made near
the noise flor,struggled hard to get them on rtty on 15 mtr ,trying every day.
Day 8 I made it on 15 mtr rtty,very happy New one on that mode......
They was annonced that rtty mode should only be on 15 mtr.
The last day they where on , I was tuning over the 30 mtr band and
till my big suprise they was calling cq on 30 mtr rtty.. 1st Call and then in log.
Wooow I have spend many hours calling for that 15 mtr rtty qso and then
only 1 Call on 30 mtr..so thanks for 2 rtty qso's
They made 91242 qso's , 26935 uniques callsign. Only 8 op's
Since my beam are stucked to the North my qso's was made on GP7DX vertical.
My qso Box :
40 1 
30  1