tirsdag 26. januar 2016


K5P Palmyra dx-pedition 2016.
Realy guy's ...what happen.?????
Welknown dx-ers refuse to work Europeans hams..
They was like IS-Warriors..choped the head of the
European dx-community...have never seen a behavour
like this.  Of course they wont to work theire own country.
But this ended up with a bad taste in the mouth.....
The leader of this rat pack say...if you wont to work us
you must be on the band on right time...BIG CB LID U R...
How can that happen ...when your only interest was to work USA.
Ham radio is not the same as a Telephone.....
They complain about bad radio conditions to Europe
,but the worst was theirs attitudes/behavour.
But the NeXT big one will be..
The upcoming dx-pedition to  Juan de Nova FT4JA   I realy hope this will
be a European qso party....If they can make 75000 qsos
I think 4000 qsos With North America will Equal what
K5P did with EU.  Lets hope that.....
Dxers in the world: 50% EU--25% NA--20% AS--5% AF/SA/OC
This remember me about what my father was saying to me ...
Lars in your life you will meet some realy big holes...
And to day I can say...daddy I know ......
(ok ok I know this is a hobby)

søndag 17. januar 2016


5 Star Hotel on Antipodes Island.....--
ZL9A was Activ from this 7-11 January.
I have this dxcc only on 20 ssb and 40 mtr cw.
This Count for a new iota OC-286 worked them on 20 ssb
Not so much dx-ing for me so far in 2016, a lot of work.
My beam is pointing to 60 degree,it's locked something happen
with my rotator from prosistel, I think it is the pot-meter inside the
rotator , A shity situation with so much good dxpedition to comes on.
Have to wait till the summer before I can fix it...it last 2 year...crap..
Have had Yaesu rotator for 20 years ,It worked great and I feel I was
realy dumb that not was buying a Yaesu 2800 rotator.....
They say when you get old you will learn........


This is a antenna from SP7GXP.
It cover from 6 to 40 mtr,solid Construction.
Very good swr on all band,have it on a 4,5 mtr 60 mm tube.
Have worked dx on all band with it also 6 mtr.
It's simular to Hy-Gain AV-640 ,Cushcraft R-8 I think.
The antenna is about 8 mtr high,the manual are in Polish...
It was giveing me some head pain.....
Limited Space..buy this...put it 10 mtr up
and you are taking  part in the game...
Antenna ga jeg 3000 nkr for ,det er billig...
Permo tar 5048.- for Hy-gain av-640
Permo tar 5654.- for cushcraft R-8
Bare så det er nevnt ,fikk gratis frakt
av en som var på Jule ferie....

fredag 1. januar 2016

DX #52/52

No more dx this year....
My new coffee mug from Ham radio signs.
I think my coffee taste better when drink from this mug.
The size off the mug is 0,3 ltr, Sorry for my big hand.
Big thank you to those of you that have visited my blog.
Have a good and healty new year 2016 to all of you.
With a lot of dx in the log..*c u in the pile*