lørdag 30. november 2013

Pacific's dx-expeditions

Some thoughts after the recent K9W and T33A expeditions.
Since I started with ham-radio back in 1994,it always have been
hard to work stations in the Pacific area. Some expeditions hate to
work eu's, and I can understand that.probably because most of the eu's
have a terribel way to work a pile-up..They can not listen to what the
op's say, and shouting and shouting , the result.. the qso rate go down.
In cw -mode we have constant callers,they dont understand if  the op's ask
for a 9a station ore a i5 station ,they can not hear the difference
and it's a huge difference in this calls on cw........
I can not understand why some op's work cw if the only way
they can handle cw on it's via a dx-spot on the dx-cluster.....
Then we have all the tuners and the policemen.......
So maybe this it's the reason of some dx-expedition
give a shit in listen for eu's...They are not interested in eu's att all.
Had hoped for some q's with K9W and T33A but I must admit
I hardly heard them. I know since I have wire antennas and 100 w
I can only get a qso ore mybee 2, but this ended with nil.
Well I have in mind that I work in daytime,but I was hopeing
for some eu-openings during the weekend, but no......
So for me T32C it's the best expedition from the Pacific area.
They had ears for all ,giving me 6 band 3 modes with my g5rv and 100w.
That was an expeditions for the books....
Conclusion : must have more alu in the air...hihi

mandag 25. november 2013

CQ WW CW 2013

This is my big  antennas......
Not much to brag about, but it gives me some good dx qso's.
This weekend was the big one for the cw guy's.
I had big plans for this weekend . The plan was to get the new tower up.
But no , shit happens ........i was missing 2 tubes for one of my optibeam's.
So I have to stay with the antennas you see on the photo.
A big drawback.....my plan was to go for new record in
solpna . This record  is old it's from 2000.
But everthing got wrong for me,a lot of work the whole week and when
friday come  i was ready for the test I thought.....
To make it short,big swr for my 40/80 antenne and my 160 antenne
was totaly out of business...was working till 1700z and then
5 hours with antenna work .Result was total worn out before the test.
So about 0400z into saturday morning I was sleeping in the chair.
Get some hours sleep and then i was ready again.
But changed into assisted class and was just playing around.
The conditions was rather good. Ended up with 1413 qso's
and 507 multipliers . The hardest multiplier to get is Norway but this year
I get Norway on all 6 band. last qso was LA1U on 160 mtr.
So thank you Jørn for decoding my low signal....
My 160 ant was only a 10 mtr alu tube...


torsdag 7. november 2013

Amplifier Work

What is this.......
It's two 7,5 kV 500pF door knob capacitors.
Sitting inside my amplifier.
In front of a 3cx1500 tube from Eimac.
I realy hope this will bring my Ameritron amplifier back to life.
This amplifier has been a very good work horse for me.
The old capacitors was going with a big bang att 0500 o'clock
in the morning, wakeing up the whole house....
And i get a good Picture about what my wife was
thinking about my radio hobby.......
A big thanks to LA8LGA Jens who was giving me the parts...