Some thoughts after the recent K9W and T33A expeditions.
Since I started with ham-radio back in 1994,it always have been
hard to work stations in the Pacific area. Some expeditions hate to
work eu's, and I can understand that.probably because most of the eu's
have a terribel way to work a pile-up..They can not listen to what the
op's say, and shouting and shouting , the result.. the qso rate go down.
In cw -mode we have constant callers,they dont understand if the op's ask
for a 9a station ore a i5 station ,they can not hear the difference
and it's a huge difference in this calls on cw........
I can not understand why some op's work cw if the only way
they can handle cw on it's via a dx-spot on the dx-cluster.....
Then we have all the tuners and the policemen.......
So maybe this it's the reason of some dx-expedition
give a shit in listen for eu's...They are not interested in eu's att all.
Had hoped for some q's with K9W and T33A but I must admit
I hardly heard them. I know since I have wire antennas and 100 w
I can only get a qso ore mybee 2, but this ended with nil.
Well I have in mind that I work in daytime,but I was hopeing
for some eu-openings during the weekend, but no......
So for me T32C it's the best expedition from the Pacific area.
They had ears for all ,giving me 6 band 3 modes with my g5rv and 100w.
That was an expeditions for the books....
Conclusion : must have more alu in the air...hihi |